The Department of Art and Design offers 3 academic programmes, covering the cultural and creative industries, art and design, and cultural heritage management. The major strengths of our programmes are our integrative andmulti-disciplinary curriculum, different methodologies and approaches, experiential learning and interaction, as well as network with local and overseas industries and institutions.

中 文 系 提 供 全 面 堅 實 的 專 業 學 科 訓 練 , 並 切 合 當 代 社 會 需 要 , 重 視 專 業 及 應 用 寫 作 、 普 通 話 及 口 語 傳 意 能 力 訓 練 。 為 了 配 合 恒 大 「 博 雅 教 育 」 的 教 育 理 念 , 並 弘 揚 中 華 文 化 的 優 良 傳 統 , 中 文 系 透 過 不 同 類 型 的 文 化 活 動 , 以 多 元 互 動 的 形 式 , 讓 同 學 於 課 堂 以 外 , 了 解 中 國 文 化 , 寓 消 閑 於 學 習 , 豐 富 校 園 生 活 。

The Department of English provides professional training in English literature and English language. It offers a 4-year undergraduate English degree programme and two master’s degree programmes specialising in English language teaching and assessment, as well as global English literary and cultural studies. The Department also organizes a wide range of cultural activities and events through its English Language Centre to create a rich and diverse English language learning environment for all HSU students.

The Department of Social Science provides a multidisciplinary learning environment for students to critically study human interactions and social processes in various societies with global awareness. The Department strives for excellence in teaching and research by means of collaborative and innovative inquiry methods.